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Far from Standardized: Using Surgical Videos to Identify Variation in Technique for Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
What matters after sleeve gastrectomy: patient characteristics or surgical technique?
Assessment of a novel stapler performance for laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Redefining staple loading pressures for adequate tissue apposition in laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Association of Radiographic Morphology with Early Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Satiety Control after Sleeve Gastrectomy
Multisite study of Titan SGS stapler in longitudinal gastric resection
Bariatric Times Spotlight – Best Practices for Getting New Technology Through VAC and into the OR

Just Published
New retrospective study in Obesity Surgery reports perioperative outcomes of the Titan SGS™ Stapler
Propensity matched retrospective review of 783 laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomies reports the perioperative outcomes of the Titan SGS™ Stapler as compared to multi-fire surgical staplers. The study results link the Titan SGS™ Stapler to potentially enhanced outcomes. The study was conducted by surgeons at Corewell Health Hospital in Grand Rapids, MI.
Dr. Schram and Dr. Foote, two of the authors of the study, are paid consultants of Teleflex Incorporated. Fritz, G.D., Sharrak, A., Aubrey, J. et al. Perioperative Outcomes Using Single-Fire Stapler. OBES SURG (2024).